If your question is not listed, we recommend that you contact the financial institution that issues your account as only they hold information specific to your account. Call the Mastercard Assistance Center at 1-80 with any card-related need from anywhere in the world. We’ll help you replace your lost or stolen Mastercard card no matter where you are. How can I get a replacement for a lost or stolen Mastercard card? You can find their contact information on the back of your Mastercard and on your billing statement. You must contact the financial institution that issues your card to retrieve or reset your PIN. You can find your finiancial institution’s contact information on the back of your Mastercard and on your billing statement. Most Mastercard credit cards also allow you to obtain cash advances at an ATM. Be sure to check with your card issuer to ensure that these types of transactions are permitted. However, not all financial institutions that issue prepaid and gift cards allow ATM or foreign transactions. You may withdraw cash against the balance on most Mastercard prepaid and gift cards at any ATM.
How can I get a list of ATM locations if I don’t have internet access? When you have the information handy, call 1-800-Mastercard (1-80).
ATM financial institution name (identified on the ATM).The address of where the ATM is located, including city, state/province and country/territory.Your financial institution and any brand marks on your card.Please provide as much of the information below as you can: If you have a problem using your card at an ATM that carries the Mastercard, Maestro or Cirrus brand mark, please let us know. You can find your issuer’s contact information for your financial institution on the back of your Mastercard and on your billing statement. You should also check with the financial institution that issues your card to determine their ATM fee policies. At that time, you are given the option to discontinue the transaction if you do not wish to pay the fees. Any fees charged by the ATM owner are disclosed at the time the transaction is initiated. What is the fee for withdrawing money or taking a cash advance from an ATM?
You can also visit the issuer’s website to manage your account online. You will find their contact information on the back of your Mastercard and on your billing statement. How can I get this information?įor information about your PIN or account, you must contact the financial institution that issues your card.
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I don’t know my password or my personal identification number (PIN). You can also visit the financial institution’s website.
You may want to contact the financial institution that issued your card for assistance concerning ATM locations, personal account withdrawal limits and restrictions, local currency cash advances, currency conversion, exchange rates or other services offered. We continue to work with financial institutions to provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate ATM location information. If an ATM location or a specific country is not listed, then information is not available. Mastercard receives ATM location information from financial institutions. Why can’t I locate ATMs in a specific country? Depending on your destination, driving directions and a map may also be available. Click on a specific ATM for further information about its location. Click the Search button, and you will be presented with a list of ATMs located near your destination. You can further narrow down the list of ATMs by providing a street address and a financial institution’s name, and by checking off any additional criteria you require such as 24-hour access. In the ATM locator, enter a city or a postal code.